
Monday, June 14, 2010

Ms. Patty Put-her-down you notice that your ex-boyfriend and this new chick have been getting real internet-chummy. It seems as if she like every status he writes and he comments every picture she post. And it's not like you can completely ignore the situation especially if you have mutual friends.
What do you do to make yourself feel better and less like a non-cool lame? [FYI: There are multiple definitions of lame and the one I identify with would mean "unusual, awkward, weird, and a semi-loner]
I've noticed that most girls go into an unhealthy session of new-chick-bashing in order to make themselves feel better. I can't lie, I've been there and done that. Sometimes, a friend a join in, but I've learned that in the didn't really do much.

Ms. Patty Put-her-down: Patty Put-her-down hates the new girl in her ex's life for one reason: the new girl is getting all the attention Patty once got. Now, Patty won't admit this. She'll claim not to care, but her true feelings show as she constantly criticizes the new girl's skin tone, skin, hair, smile, clothes, and statuses. The new girl can be as gorgeous as Aphrodite, but Patty HAS to find any flaw and constantly point it out. It's sickening and sad really.
It is no one's place but God's to judge beauty or the character of a relationship. Yet Patty just knows that the love isn't real. She just knows the girl is ugly and conceited and that her ex is only with her for one reason.

I think you would find it easier to simply be happy for the situation especially if the girl is beautiful. That means your ex has good taste.
You're constantly fishing for the perfect catch. Well now you know he's not it. Thank the girl, you are one-guy closer to finding the right one. Your search is a little easier.
If you are on the sentimental side like me, then you like a good romance. You're always happy with the leading guy and gal get together in the end. Just think of the situation as a movie starring your ex and his new girl. Awww...isn't it cute.
Don't worry, you'll have your lead role soon enough.
Basically remember,
If a relationship is destined to happen, it will happen.
Man cannot separate what God has joined together.

Really, if you find yourself working overtime to get and keep a guy's attention, then ya'll probably aren't meant to be together.
"If a guy treats you like he doesn't care about you, then he genuinely doesn't care about you. Point. Blank. Period."-He Just Not That Into You

Friday, June 4, 2010


How many of us have them?
I know the standard response to the aforementioned question is, "I don't have any regrets. I take every mistake as a learning experience. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing because it all made me stronger."
If that is really true, congratulations!! However, I don't feel like pretending any more.
*GASP* Allie, you're fake
Yea, yea, I like acting. It's something I do. I sometimes pretend things don't bother me and I pretend like I don't have regrets, but that stops now.

Please hold as I quickly scan over 19 years of life.....
Overall, I would say I have 3 regrets

Now, I wouldn't view these blunders as silly little mistakes like accidentally overfeeding the fish or sneaking boys into your house (ooh..I was a wild If they were, I would probably shrug my shoulders and move on.
No, these three things are like hiccups in the throat of my life. I would do anything to make them go away. Stand on my head. Hold my breath for 10 seconds while swallowing. Drink gallons of water. But they remain.

I am very s l o w l y coming to terms with them all, but it isn't easy. The inner turmoil that comes with those regrets can wreck a life and I am constantly praying to God to calm my inner stormy seas.

I was a fool. Plain and simple.
Yes, I was wise in that I have never made those mistakes again, so I guess you can say I learned. But honestly...

A wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from the mistakes of others.
I made mistakes that millions have made before me. I've read books about them. Saw movies about them. I was warned about them from one of the wisest women I know: my mother.
Still, I was hard-headed. Yet, still blessed because I would say God let me off with less that a slap on the wrist. He gave me more of a stern warning. So for that, I am blessed.
Anyway, the point is, it is ok to have regrets. Some people look at you as if you are a weakling for feeling sorry for your past. I say you're not weak for wanting to take back something that could potentially come back to bite you in the butt and destroy the person you've worked so hard to become. (person meaning friends, career, image, etc.)