
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Got My Cheat Sheet

The one who says he resides in God ought to walk as Jesus walked {1 John 2:6}<---This is the basis of my little cheat sheet. Looking back at it now, it does just seem to be the making of a good person. Oh least now I know what I'm working to be like.
  1. Kind-hearted
  2. Empathetic
  3. Full of grace
  4. Forgiving
They seem easy enough, but if you live in the real world then you know it's not so simple. For me, I feel like I have issues with forgiving.
"You must put away every kind of bitterness, anger, wrath, quarreling, and evil slanderous talk. Instead, be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you" {Ephesians 4:31-32}

I have some bitterness inside of me, that I have been holding onto since I was 4. It is really hard for me to get over betrayals. I'm not talking about "she took the boy I liked and she knew I liked him". I'm talking about deep "I trusted you with all of my heart because you are family and you broke that" betrayal. It honestly ruined my ability to trust people in general and I'm just now realizing that. I'm too old to still be blaming someone else for my issues though.

On another note...I'm contemplating how deep and personal to get with this thing. I've read other blogs and I appreciate the glimpse I get into their inner thoughts, but that may not work for me. I don't think it did the first time around. At the same time, I explain things better in writing than I do in talk so maybe people could understand me better through this thing.

I think I need to write out the bitterness I've been holding onto since I was 4.

AlexandNy <3

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