
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm not even a big fan of twitter, but I felt like this was a hashtag (#) moment

#ilikedyouuntil you told me you stopped liking me because I was Christian. #areyouforreal

I was originally upset when this dude I was checking for, up and left school. We were just friends, but that is the first step to becoming more. And I was open to becoming more. But he left, so more than friends was off the table (insert reminder for post on long distance Still though, he wanted to know about the feelings I had and he wanted to share the feelings he had about me.

Since I'm on this new honesty is the best policy bit, I told him that sometimes I liked him and sometimes I didn't. And when I did like him, I wasn't sure if it was for him or for the potential he held (potential boyfriend). What he told me absolutely shocked me...

He told me that he originally liked me, but his feelings began to diminish because I was Christian and he wasn't and he didn't like feeling like he needed to convert!!!
Note: I had a list of reasons in my head of why he would stop liking me:
  • I can talk a lot, sometimes about nothing at all;
  • I'm stubborn;
  • Sometimes I don't talk enough;
  • I can be very literal
none of them included my religion

At first this really pissed me off, but then I thought about how God works. He definitely stopped something before it got too serious.

Alexany <3

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