
Friday, May 21, 2010

What Would You Do?

So I'm sitting here watching Primetime: What Would You Do? trying to figure out what I would do in these various situations:
1. Female waitress being accosted by her male manager
2. Coach abusing child athlete
3. Person can't afford prescription

Ok, so basically the premise of the show is what would you do to help these people in various situations. I can say that for every situation, I would want to help. I would genuinely want to help, but sometimes I lack that courage to stand up to strangers. You can ask my friends, I'm more likely to stand up to someone I sort of know including teachers when they are being really disrespectful. However, it is something about standing up to complete strangers, especially male figures, that shakes me. Some people would be afraid to admit it, but I get intimidated sometimes. That's just the first issue. The second issue is that I have an active imagination, so I seem to automatically go to worst case scenario. This is America and times are different (as if I ever knew any other). People are crazy!!!! Let me try to speak up for a waitress being sexually harassed at her job, the next thing I know someone is mad at me for getting her fired. Basically, it seems as if the world has taken a que from The Incredibles and have asked all the good samirtans to stay hidden.
What would you do?
Would you speak up?
Would you help?
Right now, I know I probably wouldn't be able to speak up, but someday I want the strength to be able to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. That's my prayer for tonight.

Alexany <3

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