
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Payable On Death [P.O.D.]

If you asked me what music I liked to listen to, I would immediately shout "Trey Songz" with a big grin across my face. I don't know it's something about his sound that really gets to me. I absolutely L-O-V-E his songs, Be Where You Are, Jupiter Love and Wonderwoman. I keep him on repeat when I'm really going through some ish. I even have my little saying [I'm done with Martians. I want that Jupiter Love]. But this post isn't about how much I love Trey.

After I stopped gushing about Trey and you asked me what's my next favorite music is, I wouldn't be able to really tell you. I like just about everything. R&B, neo-soul, pop, alternative, and ROCK!!
That's what this post is about.

I was watching TV and a commercial for The Edge Rock Album came on. I'm in the process of widening my music library so I started to write down as many rock artist as I could. You know how they do that little scrolling yea. Yesterday, I went to download [Alive by P.O.D.] and I found out something really interesting. P.O.D. aka Payable On Death is a Christian rock band.

WHO KNEW!!! [If you did...kudos, cuz I sure didn't]

I don't know. I just really liked that fact, especially because I like their music. You might too. Check it out. [Then go listen to some]

AlexandNy <3

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Something Like Chipotle :-/

I have never met so many people that were so in love with Chipotle. You know, that place with the HUGE burritos, burrito bowls, and the best chips ever!!! Before going to school, I had only been once and since I'm from Houston I guess that's a It turns out not everyone has multiple Chipotle(s) within blocks of each other...oh well.

Well, the nearest Chipotle to me is a metro or shuttle ride away and sometimes eating there isn't feasible. So what my lovely school concocted is some type of Chipotle-esque feeding station known as Southwest Station. Southwest has all the ingredients necessasry to make a good Chipotle-like burrito so people get in line expecting to get a something that tastes somewhat similar.

"Yea, give me some rice, chicken, salsa, lettuce, and cheese" They'll make it however you like. They'll put in on the grill and then present you with good-looking burrito. You're about to have the best meal of your take a bite. *Side-glance* Something just ain't right here. I thought it would taste something like Chipotle.

Well, you thought wrong. SOOOO...wrong. And I see that people use that same misguided thought process when it comes to the opposite sex.

Let's say your desires for a mate include "Christian, smart, conversational, and self-sufficient" and you'll find him or her down the street and around the corner. I'll see people go along with "kinda Christian, smart, no conversation, and needy" just because he or she is right next door. SMH!!! The "kinda Christian" and Southwest station both have the ingredients necessary to be the most awesomest thing ever, but right now something is missing. What is it? That's not for you to figure out, it's more like a personal problem and you'll give yourself a headache trying to fix the issue.

We complain about these nasty burritos, but Chipotle is just down the street. We are too lazy to go there right now, so we settle. And because we make the conscious decision to settle we shouldn't complain about what we don't have.

You have to work to get what you want. Everyone knows that (if you didn't, now you do). If you want Chipotle, you have to get up and take yourself to Chipotle. If you want a party girl, you have to get up and take yourself to a party. If you want an intelligent girl, go to me she'll be there. If you want a girl who is immersed in Christ, you have to be in Christ yourself.

Of course, you won't need everything you want and you won't want everything you need. But the point is to get anything worthwhile, you'll have to get up and go get it. " without work is dead" {James 2:20}

AlexandNy <3

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Got My Cheat Sheet

The one who says he resides in God ought to walk as Jesus walked {1 John 2:6}<---This is the basis of my little cheat sheet. Looking back at it now, it does just seem to be the making of a good person. Oh least now I know what I'm working to be like.
  1. Kind-hearted
  2. Empathetic
  3. Full of grace
  4. Forgiving
They seem easy enough, but if you live in the real world then you know it's not so simple. For me, I feel like I have issues with forgiving.
"You must put away every kind of bitterness, anger, wrath, quarreling, and evil slanderous talk. Instead, be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you" {Ephesians 4:31-32}

I have some bitterness inside of me, that I have been holding onto since I was 4. It is really hard for me to get over betrayals. I'm not talking about "she took the boy I liked and she knew I liked him". I'm talking about deep "I trusted you with all of my heart because you are family and you broke that" betrayal. It honestly ruined my ability to trust people in general and I'm just now realizing that. I'm too old to still be blaming someone else for my issues though.

On another note...I'm contemplating how deep and personal to get with this thing. I've read other blogs and I appreciate the glimpse I get into their inner thoughts, but that may not work for me. I don't think it did the first time around. At the same time, I explain things better in writing than I do in talk so maybe people could understand me better through this thing.

I think I need to write out the bitterness I've been holding onto since I was 4.

AlexandNy <3

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ground Zero (0) ---> I Timothy 5:13

Ok this isn't my first time at the rodeo, but this time I feel like I have more direction. My first blog seemed to work as my personal diary and that was a huge mistake on my part. This time around I want to write about things I've encountered by simply living. This will help me discern where I need to focus my attention as it relates to the Lord, the Bible and my growth.
Another reason I'm writing this is because "A person who doesn't have something particular to occupy himself with doing will be tempted to occupy himself with sin." this phrase is not quoted word for word in the Bible, but its basis comes from [I Timothy 5:13] which states "And besides they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies, saying things which they ought not."
I am a bit of a busybody (not in the secular song way I just have a tendency to try to take things into my own hands and do things I shouldn't do when my mind is idle and unfocused. This is the start of something new and hopefully productive and helpful.

AlexandNy <3